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l:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />
Name: ___________________________

Nationality: ______________________

Address: _________________________

Floor: ____________________________

二、请阅读课文,判断下面描述Judy’s old school的句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,否则写“F”。

(     ) 1. Judy’s old school was near Washington D.C.

(     ) 2. Judy’s old school was larger and newer than the new one.

(     ) 3. Judy started school later at the old school.

(     ) 4. Judy finished school earlier at the old school.

(     ) 5. Judy worked for a longer time in the morning at the old school.

(     ) 6. Judy had sports every afternoon at the old school.

(     ) 7. Judy had more homework at the old school.


1. Judy is from ________________ (the UK / the USA).

2. Judy’s old school was near ___________________ (New York / Leeds).

3. Judy’s old school was ______________________ (larger and newer / smaller and older).

4. The timetable of the old school was ________________ (different / the same).

5. Judy started school _______________ (earlier / later) at the old school.

6. Judy finished school _______________ (earlier / later) at the old school.

7. Judy worked for a ______________ (shorter / longer) time in the morning.

8. Judy had sports every ______________ (morning / afternoon) at the old school.

9. Judy had _____________ (less / more) homework at the old school.

10. Judy gets home from the new school _____________ (by bus / on foot).

11. Judy got home from the old school _____________ (by bus / on foot) before.

12. Judy lives at 249 ___________________ (Beijing Road / Renmin Road) now.

13. Judy lives on the ________________ (eighth / ninth) floor.


1. We have _________ ___________ ________________ (一位新同学).

2. Her old school was _________ _________ _______________ (在纽约附近).

3. It was _________ ________ __________ (更小更旧) than the new one.

4. The timetable was ______________ ___________ (不同于) ours.

5. We __________ _______________ (开始上学) later at the old school before.

6. We __________ _______________ (放学) earlier at the old school before.

7. We worked _________ _______ ________ _________ (一段长时间) in the morning.

8. We _________ __________ (做运动) every afternoon before.

9. We had __________ ____________ (更少作业) than you.

10. You had __________ ___________ (更多作业) than me.

11. My house is _________ ___________ (真的很近) the school.

12. We live in __________ ___________ ____________ (同一栋楼).

13. I live on ________ ___________ ____________ (八楼).

14. He lives on ________ ___________ ____________ (五楼).


sports,  eighth,  the USA,  bigger,  late,  less,  

on foot,  different,  early,  short,  same

Judy is a new girl in Mr. Chen’s class. She is from __________. The new school is _________

from her old school in many ways (很多方面). The new school is _________ and newer than her old school.

In Judy’s old school, classes started _________ and finished early. In the new school, Judy has to come to school ____________ in the morning.

In the old school, the pupils worked for a __________ time in the morning, and in the afternoon, they always played ____________. And Judy had __________ homework in her old school than in the new one.

Judy’s home is near the new school, so she goes home _____________. She lives on the ______ floor at 249 Renmin Road. And Sally, a girl in her new class, lives in the same building and on the _________ floor.

