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Book 7 Unit 17 Dialogue课后练习

一、请把下列与春节Spring Festival有关的词和活动找出来,并在括号内打勾。

(      ) clean and decorate the house

(      ) lucky money

(      ) peach flowers

(      ) Father Christmas

(      ) mooncakes

(      ) firecrackers

(      ) dumplings

(      ) zongzi

(      ) turkey

(      ) visit relatives and friends

(      ) flower fairs


二、请仿照例子,写出三种中国春节Spring Festival 的习俗。

Ex: At Spring Festival, people give lucky money to the children.

1. _______________________________________________________________________.

2. _______________________________________________________________________.

3. _______________________________________________________________________.



1. The day after tomorrow is ______________________ (Christmas / Spring Festival).

2. Chinese people usually clean and decorate the houses _________ (before / at) Spring Festival.

3. There are famous Flower Fairs in Guangzhou ____________ (before / at) Spring Festival.

4. People go to Flower Fairs to ___________________ (buy flowers / have a big meal).

5. The peach flowers are _____________ (purple / pink) and look beautiful.

6. Children will get ______________ (presents / lucky money) at Spring Festival.

7. Adults usually give lucky money to children ______________ (after / during) Spring Festival.

8. Chinese people often have _____________ (zongzi / dumplings) at Spring Festivals.



1. This is ________ ________ ___________ (最好的时间) to be in China.

2. ________ _________ __________ _______________ (后天) is Spring Festival.

3. It’s ________ _________ _____________ _________ ______________ (最重要和最流行的) festival in China.

4. Chinese people usually _________ _______ __________ ________ ___________ (清洁和装饰房子) before Spring Festival.

5. It __________ ___________ (听起来像) our Christmas.

6. There are __________ ____________ ___________ (著名的花市) in Guangzhou before Spring Festival.

7. People _________ __________ (去那里) and __________ ___________ (买花).

8. Those pink flowers ________ _________ _____________ (看起来很漂亮).

9. These are __________ ____________ (桃花).

10. Adults usually _________ _________ __________ _______ __________ (给孩子们压岁钱).

11. People visit their relatives (亲戚) and friends _________ __________ __________ (春节期间).

12. I hope _________ __________ (每天) is Spring Festival.

13. We often _________ _____________ (吃饺子) at Spring Festival.

14. _________ ____________ ______ (随便吃点) some fish.



    My f___________ festival is Spring Festival. It is usually in J___________ or F___________. Before Spring Festival, people c_________ and d____________ their houses. They go s__________ for new clothes and shoes. They go to the F________ F_______ to buy flowers. During the festival, people g________ t___________ and have a big meal. And they eat d____________. Adults give L________ M________ to children.
