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沪教版一年级下册英语说课稿范文:Unit 6 Farmer and fisherman


  1.词汇:pig, they, round

  2.词组: fat pig, thin pig, round and round

  3.句型:they like to play round and round.


  1.using adjectives to describe things

  eg: thin pig, fat pig


  1.using adjectives to describe things


  pre-task preparation

  1.say a chant

  2.t: how is the doctor / nurse / cook in the rhyme?

  p: the doctor / nurse / cook is old.

  t: an old doctor / nurse / cook

  3.●★change the sentences:

  1)he is a doctor. he is tall.—he is a tall doctor.

  2)she is a farmer. she is old.—she is an old farmer.

  3)i am a fisherman. i am fat.—i am a fat fisherman.

  4)you are a teacher. you are thin.—you are a thin teacher.


  1)i am fat. i am old. i am short. i have got a boat, a net and a fork. i can catch the fish. what am i?

  2)i am young. i am tall. i am thin. i have got a pen and a book. i can read and write. what am i?

  3)i am tall. i am old. i am fat. i have got a hat, a hoe and a towel. i can take care of the animals. what am i?

  while-task procedure

  1.( lead in ) : pig

  t: what animal has the farmer got?

  p: the farmer has got a ________. ( cat, duck, dog, sheep, hen, chick, horse, cow, pig, goat, donkey, goose…)

  t: yes, the farmer has got a pig.

  1) read the word.

  ●★2) a tongue-twister: the pig is very big.

  3) how is the pig? ( fat, thin, big, small, old, young )

  4) imitate: i am miss pig / mr. pig. i like to ______. ( eat, sleep ) . i am lazy.

  5) how many pigs?

  ●★6) read a rhyme: thin pig, fat pig

  one and two.

  thin pig, fat pig.

  i see you.

  2. ( lead in ): they like to play round and round.

  1) t: pigs like to eat and sleep. cats like to eat and sleep, too. what do cats like to eat?

  p: fish

  t: cats like to eat fish. they like to eat fish.

  a) read the sentence: they like to eat fish.

  ●★b) join the sentences:

  my father is tall. my mother is tall.—they are tall.

  he is eight. she is eight, too.—they are eight.

  she can write. he can write, too.—they can write.

  he has got a bicycle. she has got a bicycle, too.—they have got two bicycles.

  2) t: the pigs like to eat fish. they like to eat fish. what else do they like to do? they like to play.

  a) read the sentence.

  3) t: what do they like to play? they like to play round and round.

  a) read the phrase: play round and round

  b) read the sentence: they like to play round and round.

  ●★4) read the rhyme:

  fat cat up,

  thin cat down—

  they like to play

  round and round.

  5)●★make a new rhyme:

  fat ______ up,

  thin ______ down—

  they like to play

  round and round.

  post-task activities:

  1. listen to the tape and read after it.

  2. act out the rhyme

  3. ●★make a new rhyme:

  thin ______, fat _______ one and two.

  thin ______, fat _______ i see you.

  fat _______up, thin _______ down—

  they like to play round and round.


  1.listen to the tape and repeat.

  2.try to make a new rhyme.
