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《What did you do last weekend?》PPT课件2

《What did you do last weekend?》PPT课件2

3a Look at the pictures and complete the passage.

I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I ________. In the afternoon, I _________. It was a little difficult. On Saturday night, I stayed at home and _______ cook dinner.

On Sunday morning, I ___________. I read a book about history. Then in the afternoon, I ________ with my friends. On Sunday night, I________. I saw an interesting talk show.

Last weekend was fun. On Saturday morning, I went shopping at the supermarket with my mother and then we had lunch at home. After lunch, I helped my father with some housework. Later in the afternoon, I played volleyball with my friends at the park. On Sunday morning, I wrote a letter in English to my pen pal. Then I had lunch with my friends at a restaurant near our home. In the evening, I watched a movie with my parents.

... ... ...

2 Complete the conversation.

A: I had a school trip last week.

B: Really. _____________________ (go)?

A: I visited the fire station.

B: ___________________________ (go with)?

A: I went with my classmates.

B: ___________________________ (do)?

A: We watched the firefighters work. What an interesting job they have!

B: ___________________________ (learn anything)?

A: Sure. We learned how to call the fire station and what to do when there is a fire.

... ... ...

Look at the pictures below. What happened yesterday? Then write a short article.


couldn’t find the hen

found the hen

drove away

got the eggs

