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《What does he look like?》PPT课件4

《What does he look like?》PPT课件4

1a Match the words with the people in the picture. You can use some letters more than once.

1. short hair ___

2. curly hair ____

3. long hair ____

4. straight hair ____

5. tall ____

6. short ____

7. medium height ____

8. thin____

9. heavy____

10. a medium build ____

... ... ...

2a Listen and answer the questions.

1.Is David tall or short?

He is tall.

2.Does Sally have long or short hair?

She has long hair.

3.Is Peter tall or short?

He is short.

... ... ...

This is Lily’s new friend. Describe her.

A: Do you know I have a new friend?

B: What does she look like?

A: She has______and______.

B: Is she tall?

A: No ,she is______.

B: I think I know her. She always wears a red ______and______shoes.

B: Yes that is her. Her name is Nancy .

... ... ...


1 This girl is Lucy. Please describe her with the words in the section. eg Her hair is short and curly. She has big eyes . …….

2 Describe someone in your class . Then ask your classmates to guess who you are describing.


Write a passage that describes your parents .

Describe yourself when you were a child.

