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es New Roman">听力部分(40%






(    ) 1. A. meter                B. lobster              C. younger

(    ) 2. A. hurt                  B. shark                C. tired

(   ) 3. A. match                B. each                 C. even

(    ) 4. A. know                B. soon               C. nose

(   ) 5. A. better                 B. matter             C. headache

(    ) 6. A. yesterday          B. fly                   C. might

(    ) 7. A. washed             B. cleaned            C. visited

(   ) 8. A. people               B. little                 C. bored

(    ) 9. A. flu                   B. feel                  C. funnier

(    ) 10. A. medicine         B. thin                 C. weekend






三、听对话,做选择  在每小题A或B上画“”。(10%)




四、听对话填空 将所听到的正确的单词填在下面的横线上。10%


Zhang: How ____________ are you?

Mike: I'm 164 cm tall. How _________ are you?

Zhang: I'm 48 kg.

Mike: What's the matter, Zhang Peng?

Zhang: I have a ____________, I feel __________.

Mike: I'm sorry to hear that. What did you do yesterday evening?

Zhang: I __________ the room.






(   ) 1. A. hand        B. than           C. arm       D. head

(    ) 2. A. feet           B. leg             C. wear      D. hair

(    ) 3. A. nose         B. head           C. tooth      D. hear

(    ) 4. A. angry       B. sad             C. play        D. happy

(   ) 5. A. last           B. watched      C. went       D. studied


六、挑挑选选 单项选择(6%)


(    ) 1. Wu Yifan is 164 ____tall.

       A. mm     B. km    C. cm

(    ) 2. I'm _____than you.

       A. thin      B. thiner      C. thinner

(    ) 3. ---- _____does Amy feel?

           ---- She is tired.

       A. What     B. How       C. Where

(    ) 4. I'm two years _____ than my sister.

       A. older       B. oldder      C. old

(    ) 5. What ______you do last weekend?

        A. do      B. did      C. does

(    ) 6. Did you ___________?

       A. go fishing       B. went fishing    C. going fishing






八、手拉手,找朋友  从方框中找答语并把序号填在题前括号内。(5%)




九、填填变变 按要求写单词的形式。(6%


1. kg __________ (汉语意思)          2.cm __________ (汉语意思)

3. small __________ (比较级)          4. heavy __________ (比较级)

5. play ___________ (过去式)          6. swim __________ (动词的-ing形式)


十、读读写写 根据汉语提示,用正确的单词或词组完成句子。(5%)


1. My arms are _____________ (更长的) than yours.

2. The yellow monkey is _____________ (更大的) than the brown one.

3. I feel sick. I ___________________________ (牙疼).

4. ----How do you feel?

----I am _______________(兴奋的).

5. ----What did Mike do yesterday?

----He _________________________ (去郊游).


十一、小小指挥家 用所给的单词组成句子,一定还要注意大小写和标点符号哟。(5%)


1. me, are, you, than, taller, 4, cm (.)

2. matter, is, what, the (?)

3. do, last, did, you, what, weekend (?)

4. you, heavy, are, how (?)

5. yesterday, did, swimming, you, go (?)


十二、阅读理解 (10%)


     I’m Wu Yifan. I was busy last weekend. On Saturday morning, I washed my clothes. Then I cooked noodles. In the afternoon, I stayed at home and did my homework. In the evening, I visited my grandparents. We had a big dinner together, I set the table and did the dishes after dinner. On Sunday morning, I played sports with my friend. On Sunday afternoon, I planted trees. In the evening, I played computer games, watched TV and listened to music. I had a good time.



(   ) 1. On Saturday evening, I _____.

      A. played sports     B. did my homework     C. visited my grandparents

(   ) 2. I didn't _____ on Sunday evening.

      A. do my homework     B. play computer games     C. watch TV

(   ) 3. I listened to music on _____.

      A. Saturday     B. Sunday     C. Friday evening

(   ) 4. I had a _____ weekend.

        A. happy     B. sad     C. angry





(   )                     (   )                  (   )                 (   )               (   )                 (   )
