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1. 你想知道别人的身体如何时可以说:How are you?
2. 当你迟到了,站在门口时,你要说:May I come in?
3. 对别人表示感谢,应该说:Thank you.
4. 当你遇见一位先生,你问他:Are you Mr Green?而他回答:No, I'm not.时,你应该说:Sorry.
5. 当你把妈妈介绍给你的老师时,你应该说:Miss Qian, this is my mother.
6. 你想知道那些是什么,你可以问:What are those?
7. 你想买两杯橙汁,你说:I'd like two glasses of orange juice.
8. 盘子里没有面包了,你说:There's no bread on the plate.
9. 你想知道那些书多少钱,可以问:How much are those books?
10. 你想知道远处的男孩是谁,你问:Who's that boy over there?
11. 你去商店买东西时,营业员主动问你:Can I help you?
12. 你想建议好朋友和你一起踢足球时,你可以说:Shall we play football?
13. 你想询问葡萄的价钱:How much are the grapes?
14.如果家里米袋没有米了,你怎么说:There's no rice in the bag.
15. 你想请对方坐下,可以怎么说:Sit down.
16. 当你想问这辆公共汽车是不是去超市时,你怎么说:      Is this bus for the supermarket?
17. 如果你不会用英语说某物,你应问老师:What's this in English?
18. 当你想建议大家做出租车去图书馆时,可以说:Shall we go to the library by taxi?
19. 当你有事想问别人,应先说声:Excuse me.
20. 想询问对方喜欢什么,可以说:What would you like?
21. 想询问火车站在哪里,可以说:Where's the station?
22. 想知道别人的职业,可以说:What's your job?
23. 你想买一些苹果,可以说:I'd like some apples.
24. 做错了事情向别人道歉,可以说:I'm sorry.
25. 当你想知道哪一个是你自己的东西时,说:Which one?
26. 当你想知道对方长大想做什么职业时,可以说:What do you want to be?
27. 当有客人到你们学校,你说:Welcome to our school.
28. 当你看见一个男孩爬到树上,应该说:Come down./ Don't climb trees again.
29. 你们参加聚会要迟到了,说:We're late. Let's hurry.
30. 你想问穿红毛线衣的女士是谁,可以说:Who's that woman in the red sweater?

1. What are these over there? (        )
2. Who's the boy with big eye? (        )
3. What's her job? I'm a waitress. (        )
4. How many kilos? One kilos, please. (        )
5. Apples is red. (        )
6. Are you teacher? Yes, I am. (        )
7. There's a TV in the my bedroom. (        )
8. Here're a pair of chopsticks for you. (        )
9. There's not milk in the glass. (        )
10. There's a big box in the table. (        )
11. Sometimes we watch TV in the class. (        )
12. The teacher lunch is on the chair. (        )
13. Who's the girl in long hair? (        )
14. Where's your sister? He's in the study. (        )
15. There are some juice in the bottle. (        )
16. My grandfather is my father father. (        )
17. Whose the woman with a small nose? (        )
18. Shall we go to the library by foot? (        )
19. Excuse me, is this train to Beijing? (        )
20. Do you like playing the football? (        )
21. Are they Helen's ruler? (        )
22. Let's go to the school. (        )
23. What are these? It's grapes. (        )
24. He's a English teacher. (        )
25. Thanks you very much. (        )
26. Who's the man on the tree? (        )
27. Here your are. (        )
28. His a new farmer. (        )

1. there, woman, that, who's, over
2. me, is, he, doctor, a , excuse
3. here, you, are, a, nurse
4. climb, again, trees, don't
5. girl, who's, the, she's, Su Yang
6. your, is, sister, girl, that
7. with, the, eyes, boy, who's, big
8. red, one, the, skirt, in
9. are, jobs, English, what
10. in, what's, English, this
11. some, too, I'd, grapes, like
12. the, are, what, desk, these, on
13. your, are, apples, those
14. job, woman's, the, is, what
15. pineapples, much, are, how, the
16. are, watermelons, they, green
17. a, here's, of, pair, you, chopsticks
18. glass, where's, in, cupboard, the, my, It's
19. have, dinner, come, and
20. fork, you, use, knife, and, can
21. some, have, juice, then

22. like, try, to, I'd
23. are, in, lots, books, there, of, the, bookcase
24. got, a, I've, bike, new
25. is, computer, there, in, a, the, office
26. a, violin, there's, near, window, the
27. watch, we, TV, class, in, sometimes
28. go, the, by, let's, to, library, bike
29. me, this, excuse, is, for, plane, Shanghai
30. we, to, Beijing, shall, by, go, train
31. mother, his, doctor, is, a
32. to, our, welcome, school
33. the, the, who's, boy, in, tree

34. father, is, her, too, teacher, a
35. the, in, who's, girl, dress, the yellow
36. they're, what, those, are, oranges
37. their, what, they, workers, are, jobs, are
38. many, one, how, kilos, kilo, please
39. you, free, are, now
40. go, the, theatre, shall, we, to, by, taxi
41. do, go, how, you, to, school
42. we, play, shall, football
43. my, is, hamburger, where
44. much, the, and, how, are, sweets, biscuits
45. breakfast, for, what's, today

46. my, chopsticks, are, where
47. in, no, bowl, there's, rice, the
48. in, what, the, is, classroom
49. some, there, desks, and, are, chairs
50. near, the, a, there, blackboard, is, window
51. go, and, baseball, let's, play

¤ 把下列句子排成对话  5ykj.com
(1) A. Let's go to the snack bar.
     B. Can I help you?
     C. A glass of orange juice then.
     D. Anything else?
     E. Good idea.
     F. I'm hungry, Mum.
     G. I'd like a hamburger and some milk.
     H. How much are they?
     I. 18 yuan, please.

(2) A. It's my family photo.
     B. Yes, it is.
     C. Is he a policeman?
     D. What's that, Sandy?
     E. Is that man your father?
     F. No, he's a doctor.
(3) A. The one in the black sweater.
     B. About seventy.
    C. Look at that old man.
    D. Which one?
    E. How old is he?
    F. He's my grandfather.
(4) A. Oh, it's a TV.
     B. Do you watch TV in class?
    C. Look! What's that in my classroom?
    D. Yes, sometimes we do.
    E. Yes, it's a new TV.
(5) A. Shall we go on foot?
     B. Good morning.
    C. Are you free now?
    D. OK.
   E. Good morning, how are you?
   F. Let's go to the park, OK?
   G. I'm fine, thank you.
   H. Yes, I am.
   I. Good idea, but how?
(6) A. Four kilos.
     B. The red ones, please.
     C. Some apples, please.
     D. Here you are. Eight yuan, please.
     E. Can I help you?
     F. These or those?
     G. How many kilos?
(7) A. Where's the computer?
     B. Yes, it is.
     C. Wang Bing, there is a computer in my classroom.
     D. Oh, it's a new computer.
     E. You are a new student, I think.
     F. Look! It's near the blackboard.
     G. Yes, I'm Wang Bing.
(8) A. Thank you. But I'm thirsty, too.
     B. I'm hungry, Dad.
     C. Here's some water for you.
     D. Here's some bread for you.
     E. But I like watermelon juice.
     F. OK. There's some watermelon juice in the fridge.
(9) A. Who's that woman over there?
     B. The one with long hair.
     C. Which one?
     D. Is she your mother?
     E. No, she isn't.
     F. Hi, Yang Ling.
    G. She's my aunt.
(10) A. Can you read them?
       B. It's smart.
       C. Oh, "I love China."
       D. Look, I've got a new T-shirt,
       E. Let me see.
       F. There's a map on it.
       G. There are some words, too.
(11) A. No, watch me.
       B. Can you use chopsticks, Nancy?
      C. Good.
      D. No, I can't. But I'd like to try.
E. Here's a pair of chopsticks for you.
F. Is this right?
G. OK. Let me try again.

(    )1.What's your friend's name?              A. She's my mother.
(    )2.Who's the woman with short hair?    B. Three.
(    )3.Welcome to our school.                   C. Three kilos,please.
(    )4.What's his job?                           D. His name is Lin Tong.
(    )5.What are these?                               E. I'd like some pears.
(    )6.How many birds can you see?          F. Thank you.
(    )7.How many kilos?                             G. He's a policeman.
(    )8.Can I help you?                           H. They're watermelons.
(    )1.Don't climb trees.                    A. Some oranges,please.
(    )2.Can I help you?                       B. They're peaches, I think.
(    )3.Who's the girl over there?        C. Yes, I am.
(    )4.Are you in Class One?             D. No, she's my aunt.
(    )5.What are those?                       E. He's thirty-five.
(    )6.What's her job?                       F. Yes, sir.
(    )7.Is that woman your mother?    G. She's a nurse.
(    )8.How old is your father?           H. She's my sister.

(    )1.How much are the biscuits?           A. I can see some forks.
(    )2.What's in the sitting room?             B. At four forty-five.
(    )3.Have some juice.                  C. Here's some bread for you.
(    )4.I'm hungry.                                  D. Milk, bread, and cake.
(    )5.What can you see in the picture?            E. On foot.
(    )6.What time do you go home?                  F. Twenty yuan.
(    )7.How many bikes can you see?               G. No, thanks.
(    )8.What's for breakfast?                   H. There are some sofas.
(    )9.How do you go to the station?               I. Good idea.
(    )10.Shall we play basketball now?              J. They're 14 yuan.

(    )1.What's for breakfast?   A. There's a piano and some chairs.
(    )2.How do we go to school?        B. Eighty-eight yuan, please.
(    )3.What would you like?    C. Sorry, I can't. But I'd like to try.
(    )4.Welcome to our school.                        D. Milk and bread.
(    )5.What's in the music room?                    E. Thank you .
(    )6.What can you see in the picture?            F. By bus.
(    )7.Can you use chopsticks?        G. They are in the cupboard.
(    )8.What do you want to be?                      H. A cook.
(    )9.How much are the coats?                     I. I'd like some milk.
(    )10.Where are the bottles?              J. I can see some balloons.

(Ⅴ) 5ykj.com
(    )1.Who's that woman?                    A. He's in the kitchen.
(    )2.Two kilos, please.                       B. All right.
(    )3.Is that girl your sister?                 C. Some apples, please.
(    )4.But how?                                   D. No, she's my friend.
(    )5.Come down, David.                   E. Thanks.
(    )6.Here's some water for you.         F. OK. Here you are.
(    )7.Where's your grandfather?          G. She's a driver.
(    )8.Can I help you?                          H. Let's go there by car.

1. use  student (       )                      2. teacher  sweater (       )
3. doctor  daughter (       )               4. bird  nurse (       )
5. woman  man (       )                     6. toy  boy (       )
7. zebra  the (       )                          8. thirsty  girl (       )
9. knife  fridge (       )                     10. bottle  sofa (       )
11. cook  look (       )                     12. worker  sister (       )
13. pear  ear (       )                         14. policeman  man (       )
15. head  peach (       )                    16. mother  brother (       )
17. pie  tie (       )                            18. sweets  sweater (       )
19. milk  hospital (       )                  20. noodles  afternoon (       )
21. chocolate  watch (       )             22. juice  cake (       )
23. coffee  tree (       )                      24. cup  cap (       )

25. this  that (       )                          26.  think  there (       )
27. black  clock (       )                     28. you  your (       )
29. he  she (       )                             30. woman  violin (       )
31.(       )supermarket        A. car        B. airport        C. hat
32.(       )theatre                A. pear      B. dear            C. please
33.(       )train                   A. plane      B. fat              C. coat
34.(       )shall     A. tall           B. clock           C. sock
35.(       )who     A. where      B. whose         C. what
36.(       )right     A. night        B. knife           C. guitar

How old; How many; What; What colour; Who; How much
1.________is for lunch? Milk, bread and hot dog.
2.________is Suhai? She's ten.
3.________are your shoes? They're black.
4.________is this girl with big eyes? She's Yang Ling.
5.________are these pears? They're twenty yuan.
6.________kilos do you want? Two kilos, please.

come down; good evening; here's a card for you;
how many; they are; in the car
1. What are these? ________watermelons.
2. ________, Yang Ling. Good evening, Ben.

3. ________apples are there on the tree?
4. They are sitting ________.
5.-- Mrs Black, ________.  --Thank you.
6.-- ________, Gao Shan.  - All right.

play football; thirsty; free; Thanks; for you;
Shall we; hungry; Good idea
Mike: Are you ________ now?
Gao Shan: Yes.
Mike: Let's go and __________.
Gao Shan: ________. But I'm ________.
Mike: Here's some bread for you.
Gao Shan: Thank you. But I'm ________ now.
Mike: Here's some water __________.
Gao Shan: ________.
Mike: ________ go now?
Gao Shan: No, I can't move now.

May; Where; Whose; Who; What time; What; How; What's
1.________grapes are those? They're Nancy's.
2.________are you? Fine, thank you. And you?
3.________is this in English? It's an spple.
4.________is the book? It's on the desk.
5.________I come in? Yes, come in, please.

6.________do you go to school? At seven forty.
7.________is she? She is my sister.
8.________the matter? I'm ill.

Look! This is Mr Li's class. There are forty-seven students in his class. There are twenty-three boys and twenty-four girls. There are two English girls. Their names are Ann and Nancy. They are ten. All the Chinese students are ten, too. This is Mr Li's teacher's desk. There is a glass of water on it. There are some flowers, too. They're red, yellow and white.
(        )1. This is Miss Li's class.
(        )2. There are twenty-four boys.
(        )3. Nancy and Ann are English girls.
(        )4. All the students are ten.
(        )5. The flowers are red.

Look at that boy. His name is Wang Bing. He's a Chinese boy. He is in the kitchen. He is eating hamburgers because he likes hamburgers. Yang Ling is at home, too. She is in the study. She is reading an English book. Is Gao Shan at home? No, he is in the park. He is thirsty. He wants to drink. Miss Li is in the office. She is writing.

(        )1. Wang Bing is in the kitchen.
(        )2. Wang Bing likes eating apples.
(        )3. Yang Ling isn't in the study.
(        )4. Yang Ling is reading an English book.
(        )5. Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink.
(        )6. Miss Li is writing in the classroom.

Nancy: Good afternoon, David. This is my friend, Helen.
David: Nice to meet you, Helen.
Helen: Nice to meet you, David.
Nancy: Let's go to the supermarket by bus.
Helen & David: OK.
( In the supermarket )
Nancy: Some sweets?
David: No, thank you.
Helen: Yes, please.
Nancy: What would you like, David?
David: I'd like a watermelon and some sandwiches.
Helen: I don't like sandwiches. I like hamburgers.
          How about you, Nancy?
Nancy: Oh, I like ice-creams and oranges.
Helen: Let's go home now.
Nancy & David: All right. Let's go.

(        )1. It's in the morning.
(        )2. They go to the supermarket by bus.
(        )3. David wants some sweets.
(        )4. Nancy likes ice-creams and oranges.
(        )5. David likes hamburgers.
(        )6. Then they go to the library.
(        )7. Helen is Nancy's sister.
1. A: Excuse me, where is my toy plane?
    B: Sorry, I don't know. Perhaps it's on the bed.
    A: Oh, you're right. Thank you.
2. A: Is this your glass?
    B: Which one?
    A: The one in the cupboard.
    B: Yes, it is.
3. A: What's on the fridge?
    B: There's a Walkman.
4. A: Whose gloves are near the bed?
    B: They're Nancy's.
5. A: Guess what's in the box?
    B: A computer?
    A: No.
    B: A TV?
    A: Yes, it's a new TV.

This is Lily and Lucy's bedroom. It is a nice room. They have one desk and two chairs. Their clock, books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are on the chairs. There are some nice flowers on the desk. Look, near the flowers, there is a kite. There's a family photo on the wall. The bedroom is very nice.
(        )1. We can see ______desk in the room.
A. one    B. two    C. three
(        )2. Where is the kite?
A. It's near the flowers.    B. It's on the wall.    C. It's on the bed.
(        )3. We can find ______on the wall.
A. flowers    B. kite   C. a family photo
(        )4. Some ______are on the chairs.
A. books    B. pencil-boxes    C. schoolbags
(    )5. Whose bedroom is it?
A. Lily's   B. Lucy's    B. Lily and Lucy's
